Each of us has tried at least once to enter chat rooms throughInternet-browser on PC, WAP-browser on mobile phone, used ICQ, MSN orthe like programmes. Some people use such services to get acquainted,other are looking for easy communication, the third - to correspondwith business partners. Computer chats and programs have a plenty offunctions, but they attach people to PCs, and the abilities ofWAP-chats are rather limited. In new network product "AVACS Live Chat"for mobile phones supporting JAVA applications, and PC computers (openchat) company "AVACS"(www.avacs.net) has realized popular functions andadded a number of up-to-date abilities, directed to mobile phones.Among the main abilities of "AVACS Live Chat" are: chat using webchatand computers,game on chat to entertaiment,including avacs Gallery toshare and upload more picture,post comment,no Number phone forregister,Multy language on avacs livechat,etc. http://www.avacschat.com